Apache Knox Setup and HDFS and Hive Accessing BigData

Apache Knox: The Apache Knox™ Gateway is an Application Gateway for interacting with the REST APIs and UIs of Apache Hadoop deployments. Setup Knox: Setup the Knox https://knox.apache.org/books/knox-0-12-0/user-guide.html#Quick+Start Access the Hive: Change in Ambari the Hive config hive.server2.transport.mode to http from binary Check in Linux Use Commands beeline !connect jdbc:hive2://hadoopmaster.com:8443/;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/var/lib/knox/data-;trustStorePassword=password@123?hive.server2.transport.mode=http;hive.server2.thrift.http.path=gateway/default/hive hadoopmaster.com is your system address … Continue reading Apache Knox Setup and HDFS and Hive Accessing BigData

Augmented Reality Project – Beginner

Definition: Augmented Reality is a technology which superimpose computer generated image over the user's vision of real world. Few Example: Google glass Microsoft Hololens Pokemon GO Let's make a simple program by ourself: Requirements: Computer/pc/laptop/Mac (I am using Windows 10 machine) Unity 3D (You can use the personal plan for free until you plan to mass … Continue reading Augmented Reality Project – Beginner

Solutions to Date-Time Issue between Server Clients at different Timezone

After Investing lot of time in solving the date-time difference problem between Server and Clients due to them being at different Timezone, I understood few things which I would share with you. You can't control the clients timezone. You can only control your server side timezone. You can't force a your client.to accept your specific date-time. … Continue reading Solutions to Date-Time Issue between Server Clients at different Timezone

CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

Introduction Definition: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to give the different stylings to the HTML to how it should look on a Different Size Screens, Printed Paper and all other ways it can be represented. Benefit of CSS It helps to speed up the development Reusability of styling is possible One code serves many … Continue reading CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

Speech Synthesis API: My Browser talks !

The Web Speech API adds to JavaScript: Voice recognition (speech to text) Speech synthesis (text to speech) Here we will talk about Speech synthesis (text to speech) Let's start with a basic code: Step 1: Write this Javascript code in a html file var message = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello World'); window.speechSynthesis.speak(message); Step 2: Open the file … Continue reading Speech Synthesis API: My Browser talks !

ASP.NET MVC Web.config move AppSettings to separate file

Let’s get the appSettings inside the web.config file to a separate file for better maintenance of the code. Step 1: Open your web.config file. Step 2: You will see your appSettings code in there Step 3: Create a new config file in the project name "PrivateSettings.config" and add the settings code you want to keep … Continue reading ASP.NET MVC Web.config move AppSettings to separate file

ASP.NET MVC Web.config move ConnectionStrings to separate file

Let's get the connectionStrings inside the web.config file to a separate file for better maintenance of the code. Step 1: Open your web.config file. Step 2: You will see your connectionStrings code in there Step 3: Add a new config file name as ConnectionStrings.config and copy the above code into it Step 4: In your … Continue reading ASP.NET MVC Web.config move ConnectionStrings to separate file

Layout Creation using Bootstrap Template & ASP.Net MVC

After doing lots of browsing and rejection you finally was able to freeze on a UI theme for the application. Now it's time to put this layout in a new asp.net mvc application. Step 1: Let us follow a golden rule of Break the Screen into logical pieces Step 2: Let us get to the project and make some … Continue reading Layout Creation using Bootstrap Template & ASP.Net MVC